About this blog

This deck is overpowering, intense, complex, symbol city, the systems are totally endless. This deck goes on and on, there is no end to it. The Cards them selves are like a tunnel that doesn't end. Like a worm hole. I have found that some tarot lovers keep the the deck stored and only bring it out of the closet once in a blue moon, due to that it is too busy for them to read from. If your one of these people please join the study group.

To understand each card one must look at them differently than other cards from different decks. This was my first step. This deck has a strange way of communicating to it's reader, I have tried this strange method on friends, family, and strangers. to see the results.

With success!

IronSides's Method for reading the Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck.

I have been inspired for many years by Mary K. Greer's books, that through her personal wisdom has taught me so much more with understanding the Tarot. These are Mary K, Greer's books that have help me decode Scapini's symbols, 21 ways to Read a Tarot - Step 13, pg 129; Tarot Reversals - Traditional meanings that help me put keywords to the symbols. Tarot for yourself - helped me work through reader block, which guided me to finding my method on how to read the cards, simple and easy. Without these books over the past 7 yrs I would have been lost to ever understanding or ability to even read this deck. I strongly feel that Mary k. Greer deserves some credit here, and that I will give her. you will find that I will be posting quotes through out this blog from her books for reference only to help you understand the Scapini's deck.

About Me

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Nanaimo, BC, Canada
I enjoy reading, collecting, everything that is Tarot related

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Medieval Scapini - Eight of cups

The Eight of Cups -

It shows a knight and a woman embracing and various scenes depicted on the cups: a youth confessing to a friar, a puppet theater showing Pulcinella, a procession in which young girls strew the streets with flower petals, an eagle clutching a frog, a veiled figure, a woman frightened by a spider (sounds like me), a remorseful prisoner, and a possessed person casting out a demon. 


Man and Woman - embracing.

Tenderness, chances that a dream of love may come true.

Puppet theater - Submissive, attachment (strings of the puppets) ask yourself are you the puppet or the puppeteer.

Veiled woman - Things that are hidden, so what is it you are hiding, or is someone else hiding something from you?

Woman frightened by a spider - fear that love will not come true, disappointment.

Spider - Illusion, fate, conceals, reality, seer, initiation.

Spiderweb - thread - means and support of spiritual self-realization.

Remorseful prisoner - The decline of a matter ie: relationship, friendship, family, work, etc.
Efforts discontinued ie: you/person, have stopped efforts in relationship, work, etc.

Possessed person casting out a demon - Abandonment of previous plans, Abandoned success

Ask yourself what is it that you have casted out, abandoned, that nolonger works for you?

Youth confessing - ApologyContentmentAtonementDebt repaid

Procession Cup, which young girls strew the streets with flower petals - Joyfamily gatheringsSatisfactionFestivitiesFull-success is attainedpreparationEfforts continued to success

Eagle clutching a frog - (frog - water element - cups)
Eagle= understandingcompletion of tests to achieve personal powerhealingceremonies

Frog= attached to the material concernsresurrectionattracts good fortune

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